friday morning

cup of coffee in hand. i stayed in bed as long as i could, hoping the beans would grind themselves. or someone else would grind them. or the grinder would have become a magic silent grinder overnight.

none of those things happened.

but it was worth it.

the week wasn’t so bad either.

had fun doing the coffee loveapalooza on the other blog.

cleaned up more at the studio. years of paper. tossed. kind of a shame. we did some beautiful work. ten of everything, the rest, in the givewaway bin or tossed.

made a few nice meals. that soy chorizo wasn’t so bad.

it rained.

i made an appointment with my new doc for this morning.

he will tell me to lose weight, i bet.

which is true.

but he will refill my hrt drugs, which are kind of important to me.

and i can handle the truth.

it rained. the threat was longer than the real rain, but it was a fine storm.

one daughter is in portland.

i love portland. with my inside voice i hope she lands there.

oh yeah, this isn’t my inside voice, is it?

toby is acting like a regular, annoying dog again.

we still listen to him breathe, watch him eat, and evaluate every move.

on monday, when he was acting like his sunday romp at the dogpark was the most exhausting work he had ever done, i called the vet and asked him to walk me through the “procedure.” just so i could imagine it, and be prepared. i cried a bit. but now he’s playing outside in the mud, and wiping off his paws every half hour seems easy.

we don’t complain about him, at all.

tomorrow i am taking an espresso tasting class with my friend vicki.

they recommend a hearty breakfast.

i think i can imagine spring around the corner.

and that’s all i have.

happy weekend.

About kim tackett

Northern CA marketing consultant, writer of very small stories, and drinker of very strong coffee.
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